Best Time to Upload TikTok Videos According to Influencer Marketing Hub

Best Time to Upload TikTok Videos According to Influencer Marketing Hub

Best time to upload TikTok videos

So that videos can be maximized and appear in other people’s FYP, the uploaded video must not only be good in terms of quality and uniqueness, but it is also important to pay attention to the upload time of the content. Just like other social media, there are certain hours when users are more active.

The company Influencer Marketing Hub, which focuses on running marketing campaigns for influencers, conducted research on the best times to upload content on TikTok based on an analysis of over 100,000 posts. On the Influencer Marketing Hub website, the company notes a number of times they think are appropriate for TikTok users in Jakarta. Here are the recommendations:

Best time to upload TikTok videos

Best time to upload TikTok FYP videos
Best time to upload TikTok FYP videos

6am, 10am, 10pm

2am, 4am, 9am

7am, 8am, 11pm

9 am, 12 noon, 7 pm

5 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m

11am, 7am, 8am

7am, 8am, 4pm